Our Mandate
The Archbishop’s Appeal is charged with raising funds to support the Catholic mission including pastoral priorities, programmes and the restoration/renovation of the Archdiocese’s older church buildings. Under the direction of the Archbishop, the Appeal was formed to provide innovative solutions for financial, evangelical and missionary projects that would develop, sustain and expand the scope of service the Archdiocese of Port of Spain could provide to the nation. The Appeal reports directly to the Archbishop and produces and publishes annual audited financial reports.
Role of the Church
As with all church related fundraising projects, the participation of the pastoral leadership in the Archdiocese is essential. Motivating the people and supporting the Appeal in a sustained manner is a responsibility flowing from the Archdiocesan solidarity. The Archbishop’s Appeal presents an opportunity for parishes to support the wider church, the Archdiocese of Port of Spain, the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. It enables us to advance the work and mission of the Church as we are all responsible for its well-being throughout the Archdiocese especially those less fortunate. Through parish support, we are able to build strong communities, serve educational, physical and spiritual needs of the people of the Archdiocese.
How Do We Do It?
Forge and maintain alliances with corporations and sponsors
Cultivate and nurture meaningful relationships with people who give freely of their time, talent, and treasure
Show gratitude to and build trust with our donors
Partner with Catholic schools
Special Collections
Unique promotional campaigns, including Award winning brochures, radio and TV adverts
Movie premieres
Special fundraising events
Sacred concerts
Lobbying - Government and its agencies
Transparent reporting to donors - annual financial reporting

Your Support is Everything
Your support is what fuels all of our endeavors. The Appeal is known for its transparency and accountability, and each donation is logged and banked and assist us in accomplishing the mission of the Church - with His Grace sending out personal thank you cards for each and every donation. Feel free to browse through our past projects, and future projects in need of your support are posted as they come up. Without your assistance, we could not do this work upon which we are called to do.
The Appeal Team
Under the wise leadership of His Grace Most Reverend Charles Jason Gordon, our Chancellor, Joanne Miller and the Appeal’s Director of Funding & Development, Jenny Lee, the Archbishop’s Appeal team is a distinctly collaborative, and uniquely innovative effort to raise funds for specially appointed projects by His Grace. This dynamic team has proved to be a power house in changing the way religious charities raise funds, evangelize and promote their message. We believe in keeping our finger on the pulse of our communities, reaching them wherever they are, and uplifting our Catholic Church by fulfilling their needs. We are one body of Christ, working for the glory of God, in service to all His people.
Jennifer Lee
Head of Funding & Development
Jordan Miller
Multi-Media Officer
Janine Aqui
Funding & Development Officer
Alexandra Ramsaroop
Funding & Development
(Has left our shores to discern her vocation with the Convent)